Chapter 2: Surveying JS
Each File is a Program
In JS, each standalone file is its own separate program.
The only way multiple standalone .js files act as a single program is by sharing their state via the "global scope." Since ES6, JS has also supported a module format.
Values come in two forms in JS: primitive and object. Values are embedded in programs using literals.
For strings, the better approach is to use '
or "
unless you need interpolation.
Arrays And Objects
JS arrays can hold any value type, either primitive or object (including other arrays).
Objects are more general: an unordered, keyed collection of any various values. Functions, like arrays, are a special kind of object.
In JS, we should consider "function" as "procedure", which is a collection of statements that can be invoked many times.
Functions are values that can be assigned and passed around.
Functions declaration
Function expression
In other words, we must be aware of the nuanced differences between an equality comparison and an equivalence comparison.
comparisons, use theNumber.isNaN(..)
comparison, use utility
For object comparison with ===
, the structure and contents don't matter, only the reference identity.
Coercive Comparisons
Coercion means a value of one type being converted to its respective representation in another type.
If the comparison is between the same value type, both ==
and ===
do exactly the same thing.
prefers primitive numeric comparisons. However, when both values being compared are strings, they use alphabetical comparison.
How We Organize in JS
A class in a program is a definition of a "type" of custom data structure that includes both data and behaviors that operate on that data.
Inheritance is a powerful tool for organizing data/behavior in separate logical units (classes), but allowing the child class to cooperate with the parent by accessing/using its behavior and data.
Classic Modules
A classic module is an outer function which returns an "instance" of the module with manny functions exposed that can operate on the module instance's internal data.
Because a module of this form is just a function, and calling it produces an "instance" of the module, another description for these functions is "module factories".
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