Chapter 14: Miscellaneous
14.1 Proxy and Reflect
A Proxy
object wraps another object and intercepts operations, like reading/writing properties and others, optionally handling them on its own, or transparently allowing the object to handle them.
: an object to wrap, can be anything, including functions.handler
: proxy configuration
No traps
As there are no traps, all operations on proxy are forwarded to target.
Internal Method
For every internal method, there’s a trap in this table: the name of the method that we can add to the handler
parameter of new Proxy
to intercept the operation.
Full list: Proxy and Reflect
: must returntrue
if the value was written successfully, otherwisefalse
: must returntrue
if the value was deleted successfully, otherwisefalse
Default value with “get” trap
To intercept reading, the handler
should have a method get(target, property, receiver)
: the target objectproperty
: property namereceiver
: the object that’s going to be used asthis
The proxy should totally replace the target object everywhere. Otherwise it’s easy to mess up.
Validation with “set” trap
The set
trap triggers when a property is written: set(target, property, value, receiver)
: the target object, the one passed as the first argument tonew Proxy
: property namevalue
: property valuereceiver
Iteration with “ownKeys” and “getOwnPropertyDescriptor”
: non-symbol keysObject.getOwnPropertySymbols(obj)
: symbol keysObject.keys/values()
: non-symbol keys/values withenumerable
: non-symbol keys withenumerable
flag, and also prototype keys
However, if we return a key that doesn’t exist in the object, Object.keys
won’t list it. It calls the internal method [[GetOwnProperty]]
for every property to get its descriptor. As there’s no property, its descriptor
is empty, no enumerable
flag, so it’s skipped. To fix this, add the following method to the handler
“In range” with “has” trap
The has trap intercepts in calls: has(target, property)
Wrapping functions: "apply"
We can wrap a proxy around a function: apply(target, thisArg, args)
Instead of using a decorator, a proxy can preserve all the other properties of the original function.
is a built-in object that simplifies creation of Proxy
. It makes the direct calling to the internal methods available.
For every internal method, trappable by Proxy
, there’s a corresponding method in Reflect
, with the same name and arguments as the Proxy
trap. Thus, we can use Reflect to forward an operation to the original object.
Proxy limitations
Many built-in objects, for example Map
, Set
, Date
, Promise
and others make use of so-called “internal slots”. (Array
has no internal slots.)
For instance, Map stores items in the internal slot [[MapData]]
. Built-in methods access them directly, not via [[Get]]
] internal methods. So Proxy
can’t intercept that.
After a built-in object like that gets proxied, the proxy doesn’t have these internal slots, so built-in methods will fail.
So we need to bind the functions on the original object instead of the Proxy
Private fields
A similar thing happens with private class fields.
Private fields are implemented using internal slots. JavaScript does not use [[Get]]
when accessing them. However, the solution above with binding the method makes it work.
Proxy != target
If we use the original object as a key, and then proxy it, then the proxy can’t be found, because it's a different object.
Proxies can’t intercept a strict equality test ===
Revocable proxies
A revocable proxy is a proxy that can be disabled.
A call to revoke()
removes all internal references to the target object from the proxy, so they are no longer connected.
14.2 Eval: run a code string
The built-in eval
function allows to execute a string of code.
The eval’ed code is executed in the current lexical environment, so it can see outer variables. It can change outer variables as well.
In strict mode, eval
has its own lexical environment. So functions and variables, declared inside eval
, are not visible outside.
Eval is Evil
Its ability to access outer variables has side-effects since code minifiers rename local variables into shorter ones.
14.3 Currying
Currying is a transformation of functions that translates a function from callable as f(a, b, c)
into callable as f(a)(b)(c)
Helper function:
Advanced curry implementation
The currying requires the function to have a fixed number of arguments.
14.4 Reference Type
A dynamically evaluated method call can lose this
Reference type explained
First, the dot '.' retrieves the property
.Then parentheses
execute it.
To make user.hi()
calls work, JavaScript uses a trick – the dot '.' returns not a function, but a value of the special Reference Type. It is used internally by the language.
The value of Reference Type is a three-value combination (base, name, strict)
: the objectname
: the property namestrict
: true ifuse strict
When parentheses ()
are called on the Reference Type, they receive the full information about the object and its method, and can set the right this
in this case).
Any other operation like assignment hi = user.hi
discards the reference type as a whole, takes the value of user.hi
(a function) and passes it on. So any further operation “loses” this
14.5 BigInt
is a special numeric type that provides support for integers of arbitrary length.
Math operators
We can’t mix bigints and regular numbers.
We should explicitly convert them using either
.The unary plus is not supported on bigints.
Comparisons, such as <
, >
work with bigints and numbers just fine.
Numbers and bigints belong to different types, they can be equal ==
, but not strictly equal ===.
Boolean operations
In if, bigint 0n
is falsy, other values are truthy.
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