Inheritance, Implements
Method Overloading
Suppose we have the method below, which will return the longest string in a SLList
However, since SLList
and AList
have exactly the same structure, we could write two longest
methods to make it compatible with both classes, which is a feature called "method overloading" in Java.
The disadvantage of method overloading is that it makes the source code quite longer than usual and add more codes to maintain.
Hypernyms, Hyponyms, and Interface Inheritance
In Java, in order to express the hierarchy, we need to do two things:
Define a type for the general list hypernym -- we will choose the name List61B.
Specify that SLList and AList are hyponyms of that type.
First, we will create a List61B
interface, which is a contract that specifies a list of method a list must able to do:
Next, we will modify the definition of both classs to make a promise that both of them implement all the method defined in the interface List61B
Now we can edit our longest
method to take in a List61B
. Because AList
and SLList
share an "is-a" relationship.
Method Overriding
Method overriding means that you implement a method as the same structure as it is defined in a interface, while overloaded methods could have different parameters. In this course, we will add @Override
tag above each overrided methods. Although this tag is unnecessary, it's useful in debugging.
Different from the Golden Rules of Equal, if X is a subclass of Y, the memory box of X may contain Y. For instance, this piece of code will works well:
Implementation Inheritance
Typically, we can't add specific implementation to a interface. However, We could add a default
key word for a method in a interface to allow subclasses to inhert it. Although SLList
or AList
does not implement the print
method in their classes, it will still work.
In order to re-implement the default method in a subclass, we must use the Override
tag, or the default one will be invoked.
Dynamic Method Selection
In Java, variables have two phases of types: static type and dynamic type. In the code below, lst
has a static type of List61B
and a dynamic type SLList
. When Java runs a method that is overriden, it searches for the appropriate method signature in it's dynamic type and runs it.
Method Selection Algorithm
Suppose we have a function
, where foo
has the static type TPrime
, and x1
has the static type T1
When compiling the code, compiler verifies that TPrime
has at least one method that could handle T1
, and will record the most specific one.
When running the code, if foo
's dynamic type override the bar
method in TPrime
, use the overridden method. Otherwise, use the recorded method.
Interface Inheritance vs Implementation Inheritance
Interface inheritance (what): Simply tells what the subclasses should be able to do.
Implementation inheritance (how): Tells the subclasses how they should behave.
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