Bits, Bytes, and Integers
Representing Informantion as Bits
Each bit is 0 or 1. By encoding or interpreting sets of bits in various ways, computers could represent and manipulate numbers, sets, strings, etc.
Why bits? It's easy to store and could be transmitted reliably.
Data Representations in C (x86-64)
Each byte is 8 bits.
: 1 byteshort
: 2 bytesint
: 4 byteslong
: 8 bytesfloat
: 4 bytesdouble
: 8 byteslong double
: 10 or 16 bytespointer
: 8 bytes
Bit-level manipulations
Boolean Algebra
Encode true
as 1 and false
as 0.
AND: A & B = 1 when both A = 1 and B = 1
OR: A | B = 1 when either A = 1 or B = 1
NOT: ~A = 1 when A = 0
XOR: A ^ B = 1 when either A = 1 or B = 1, but not both
Bitwise Operations
We could apply properties of boolean algebra on bit vectors. Example: 01101001 & 01010101 = 01000001
Operations &
, |
, ~
, ^
in C applies to any integral data type: long
, int
, short
, char
, unsigned
. They are different from logical operators (!
, ||
, &&
Shift Operations
Left Shift (
x << y
): Shift bit-vector x left y positions and fill with 0's on the right.Right Shift (
x >> y
): Shift bit-vector x right y positions.Logical: Fill with 0's on the left.
Arithmetic: Replicate the most significant bit on the left.
Representation: unsigned and signed
Numeric Ranges
UMin = 0 (000...0)
| TMin | = TMax + 1
UMax = 2 * TMax + 1
Conversion (Signed and Unsigned)
Bit pattern is maintained
The interpretation is changed.
Constants in C are considered to be signed integers by default.
Unsigned integers have
as suffix. (Example:114514U
Expression Evaluation
If there's a mix of unsigned and signed integers in a single expression, singed values implicitly cast to unsigned.
These expressions includes comparison operations.
Expanding and truncating
Expading (e.g. short int to int)
Unsigned: Add zeros to the front of the array of bits.
Signed: Fill the front of the array of bits with the most significant bit.
Truncating (e.g. unsigned to unsigned short)
Unsigned or signed: Bits are truncated
Unsigned: mod operation
Signed: similar to mod operation
Arithmetic Operation
Operands: w bits
True Sum: w bits or w + 1 bits
Operands: u = 1101, v = 0101
True Sum: 1101 + 0101 = 10010 (18)
Discard Carry: 0010 (18 mod 16 = 2)
Two's complement addition and unsigned addition have idential bit-level behavior.
Operands: w bits
True Product: 2 * w bits
Power-of-2 Multiply with Shift
Most machines shift and add faster than multiply. The compiler might convert some multiplication operation to shift operation.
Operands: w bits
Power-of-2 Divide with Shift
Representations in Memory, Pointers, Strings
Byte-Oriented Memory Organization
Programs refer to data by address. We could conceptually envision the memory as a very large array of bytes. An address is like an index to the array.
Machine Words
Any given computer has a "Word Size" - the normal size of integer-valued data. Most machines use 64-bit word size, or 18 exabytes of addressable memory.
Byte Ordering
Big Endian: Least significant byte has highest address. (Internet, Sun, PowerPC)
Little Endian: Least significant byte has lowest address. (x86, ARM, Windows)
Representing Strings
Strings in C are represented by array of characters. Each character is encoded in ASCII format. The array of characters is null-terminated.
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