B-Trees (2-3, 2-3-4 Trees)
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Height of BST
Worst case: Theta(N)
Best case: Theta(log N)
O is just an upper bound, rather than the worst case. However, many people use O as a shorthand for worst case.
depth: the number of links between a node and the root.
height: the lowest depth of a tree, which determines the worst case of runtime.
average depth: average of the total depths in the tree, which determines the average-case runtime.
If we insert nodes in random order, it will actually end up being relatively bushy, in which the average depth and height are expected to be Theta(log N)
However, in the real world situations, data are unlikely inserted randomly.
The tree showed above is called B-Tree or 2-3-4 Tree. 2-3-4 and 2-3 refer to the number of children each node can have.
The process of adding a node to a 2-3-4 tree is:
Similar to BST, we compare new item with each node in the tree and insert it into the leaf node.
If the node has 4 items, pop up the middle left item and re-arrange the children accordingly.
If the parent node having 4 nodes, pop up the middle left node again, rearranging the children accordingly.
Repeat this process until the parent node can accommodate or you get to the root.
The worst case runtime of searching a B-tree:
Each node had the maximum number of elements
Traverse all the way to bottom
The amount of operations will be L log N
. Since L
is constant, the runtime is O(log N)
. B-tree is complex, but it could handle insertion operations in any order.