Quick Sort
To partition an array a[] on element x = a[i] is to rearrange a[] so that:
x moves to position j. (probably the same as i)
All entries to the left of x are <= x.
All entries to the right of x are >= x.
Partiton Sort (Quick Sort)
Quicksorting N items:
Partition on leftmost item.
Quicksort left half.
Quicksort right half.
For most common situations, Quick Sort is empirically the fastest sort.
Best Case: Pivot Always Lands in the Middle.
Runtime for the best case: Θ(N log N)
Worst Case: Pivot Always Lands at Beginning of Array.
Runtime for the worst case: Θ(N ^ 2)
The average runtime is Θ(N log N)
The performance of Quick Sort depend critically on:
How the pivot is selected.
How the partition is performed around that pivot.
Other optimizations.
The rare worst case will happen when:
Bad ordering: Array already in sorted order or almost sorted order.
Bad elements: Array with all duplicates.
Methods to avoid the worst case:
Always use the median as the pivot.
Randomly swap two indices occasionally.
Shuffle before sorting.
Partition from the center of the array.
Last updated