A dispensable is something pointless and unneeded whose absence would make the code cleaner, more efficient and easier to understand.
A method is filled with explanatory comments. If you feel that a code fragment can’t be understood without comments, try to change the code structure in a way that makes comments unnecessary. The best comment is a good name for a method or class.
However, comments can be useful when explaining why something is being implemented in a particular way or complex algorithms.
Extract Variable
Extract Method
Rename Method
Introduce Assertion
Duplicate Code
Two code fragments look almost identical.
Extract Variable
Extract Method
Lazy Class
Understanding and maintaining classes always costs time and money. So if a class doesn’t do enough to earn your attention, it should be deleted.
Inline Class
Collapse Hierarchy
Data Class
A data class refers to a class that contains only fields and crude methods for accessing them (getters and setters). These are simply containers for data used by other classes.
Dead Code
A variable, parameter, field, method or class is no longer used (usually because it’s obsolete).
Delete unused code and unneeded files.
Inline Class or Collapse Hierarchy can be applied if a subclass or superclass is used.
To remove unneeded parameters, use Remove Parameter.
Speculative Generality
There’s an unused class, method, field or parameter.
Last updated