Tree and Graph Traversals
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A set of nodes (or vertices).
A set of edges that connect those nodes.
There is exactly one path between any two nodes.
Rooted tree
The tree has a designated root.
Every node except the root has exactly one parent.
A node can have 0 or more children.
Tree traversal refers to the process of visiting each node in a tree data structure, exactly once. Traversals are classified by the order in which the nodes are visited.
Iterate the tree by levels, from left to right.
First level: D
Second level: B F
Third leve: A C E G
Visit root node.
Visit all the nodes in the left subtree.
Visit all the nodes in the right subtree.
Visit all the nodes in the left subtree.
Visit the root node.
Visit all the nodes in the right subtree.
Visit all the nodes in the left subtree.
Visit all the nodes in the right subtree.
Visit the root node.
A set of nodes (or vertices).
A set of zero of more edges, each of which connects two nodes.
All trees are also graphs, but not all graphs are trees.
Only one edge between each of two nodes.
No edge from a node to itself.
The course will only focus on simple graphs.
Undirected graphs contain bidirectional edges.
Directed graphs contain directed edges.
Cyclic graphs contain at least one graph cycle.
Acyclic graphs do not have graph cycles.
Verticies with an edge between are adjacent.
Vertices or edges may have lables or weights.
A sequence of vertices connectted by edges is a path.
A path of which first and last verticies are the same is a cycle.
Two vertices are connected when there is a path between them.
If all vertices are connected, the graph is connected.
Find whether there's a path between vertices s and t.
To solve this problem, an algorithm similar to the tree traversal is created.
The algorithm marks the verticies it has already visited to avoid infinite loop.
This algorithm of exploring a neighbor’s entire subgraph before moving on to the next neighbor is known as Depth First Traversal.
This kind of traversal could help us to find a path from s to every other reachable vertex, visiting each vertex at most once.
To implement this traversal algorithm, two arrays, marked
and edgeTo
, are required to record whether an vertex is marked and the parent of the vertex.
Mark v.
For each unmarked adjancent vertex w:
Set edgeTo[w] = v
Run these steps for w.
DFS Preorder: Action is before DFS calls to neighbors. (The algorithm created above.)
DFS Postorder: Action is after DFS calls to neighbors.
BFS (Breadth First Search) Order: Act in order of distance from s. (Analogous to "level order.")