Chapter 12: Generators, advanced iteration
12.1 Generators
Generators can return (“yield”) multiple values, one after another, on-demand.
When the next()
is called, it runs the execution until the nearest yield <value>
The result (object):
: the yielded value.done
if the function code has finished, otherwisefalse
Generators are iterable
We can loop over the generator using for..of
. However, it ignores the last value, when done: true
To fix that, we must return them with yield
Using generators for iterables
Generators may generate values forever.
Generator composition
There’s a special yield*
syntax to “embed” (compose) one generator into another.
“yield” is a two-way street
not only returns the result to the outside, but also can pass the value inside the generator.
12.2 Async iterators and generators
Async iterators
should return a promiseUse
for await (let item of iterable)
loop to iterate over the objectThe spread syntax
doesn’t work asynchronously.
Async generators
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